The start of a new school year is full of challenges. And children like a challenge.
There is a lot of evidence that instrumental music tuition enhances the learning of students in numerous ways. Google can take you further on the benefits of music tuition. But learning an instrument with the necessary commitment; cultivating the attention span needed for practice, and nurturing aural awareness – these all help to awaken the music we all have within us.
My wife has currently two spaces for children or adults who might like to learn the piano. She offers a free first lesson – try before you buy(!) – and loads of encouragement and support thereafter. Parents are welcome to attend, too.
Playing the piano’s the aim, but Kate enters pupils regularly for Associated Board (ABRSM) and Trinity/Guildhall exam boards and achieves great results. She knows recognition is important.
We’re in central St Albans and teach at our home. Please email if interested.
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