MonthMay 2017

On the genealogical trail….

Many years of trawling the Public Record Offices, and lately the Internet, has enabled me to track down many of my “Muhley” ancestors, who hail, before they came to England, from Allendorf on the River Lumda near Gießen (Frankfurt) in Germany.

On Tuesday, providing British Airways is operating according to schedule, we will try to take the genealogical investigation further.  It is great we will be meeting my recently connected second cousin there.

But, fear not, I’ll be back for the wedding in Hatfield on Saturday and for
Sunday services.  The show goes on!

[Update: Back in England having made personal connections with people who can help.  Some good food and wine consumed during the short time away!]

Finzi in Finchley

God is gone up with a triumphant shout! is an awesome anthem by Gerald Finzi.  Blessed with sumptuous harmony and with great vocal writing, this  is “the anthem” for Ascension Day.  And St Mary-at-Finchley Choir will include it in their Ascension Day Evening Eucharist.  I’m at the organ and have spent today day sorting out the page turns so the notes arrive at the right time.  Thank goodness for a large spiral-bound art folio book and a home photocopier.

The last hymn in Thursday’s service is set to the tune Lasst uns erfreuen, so Gordon Slater’s Postlude, An Easter Alleluya, will follow on very nicely!

3 Funerals, a Wedding, plus..

3 Funerals and a Wedding are coming up this week.  Plus accompanying St Albans Cathedral’s Girls’ Choir for Evensong on Wednesday; some A-level coaching and a talk to St Saviour’s Tea Club about the Mysteries of being an Organist.


Organ Recital in St Peter’s Church, St Albans

I’m giving a lunchtime Organ Recital in St Peter’s Church, St Albans on Wednesday 3rd May beginning at 1pm.

I’ve deliberately chosen some lesser-known shorter pieces so that I can fully explore the tonal palette of this comprehensive 3-manual Mander organ.

Rather than list some of the composers in the recital, have a go at identifying them from the photos below.  They are in alphabetical surname order if that helps?  Answers in the Comments box!   Hope to see you on Wednesday.

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